And I heard a voice from heaven, like the sound of many waters and like the sound of loud thunder, and the voice which I heard was like the sound of harpists playing on their harps. And they sang a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and the elders; and no one could learn the song except the one hundred and forty four thousand who had been purchased from the earth (Revelation 14:2-3).
These are the overcomers and this is the bride of Christ. They belong to heaven even while they are living on earth. These overcomers sang a new song, before the throne, that no one could learn except those who had been purchased from the earth. Why is it that no one else could learn that song? Is it because the others were not musically-minded? No. This has nothing to do with being musically-minded. It has everything to do with being heavenly-minded!! There are lots of people in the devil's camp who are musically-minded.
The music in heaven is full of praise, worship and joy - ecstatic joy in the presence of the Father. But these 144,000 who stand on Mount Zion learnt that song of praise even while they were on earth. Unlike other human beings, they had finished with all murmuring, grumbling, criticism, backbiting, judging others and slander. Instead, they learnt to give thanks in everything and for everyone, and to praise and worship God at all times.
The new song is "Thou art worthy to receive praise and honour, glory, dominion and power" (Rev.5:12). It is a song which does not have the smell of complaining and grumbling or murmuring in it. How many of us have learnt it? God gives all of us one lifetime on earth to learn that song of heaven, that song of praise and thanksgiving. How many are there who have learnt to be 100% free from grumbling and complaining?
Most believers complain when the food is not good, or when somebody promises to do something for them and does not do it, or when somebody takes away their rights, or when somebody does some evil to them or to their children or perhaps when somebody speaks evil about them or their family-members. What a lot of opportunity we have in all such circumstances to follow Jesus, to take up the cross and learn the new song! It is impossible to learn that song unless we are willing to take up the cross and die to our rights, honour and reputation.
These 144,000 were the only ones who obeyed the Word of God which says, "Do all things without grumbling or complaining; " (Phil. 2:14) and "In everything give thanks" (1 Thess. 5:18).
The word 'learn' in Rev.14:3 indicates an education. We have to learn how to sing this new song. To begin with, none of us know it. Why is it that no-one else learnt that song except these 144,000? Because the others heard about taking up the cross but never actually took it up in the moments of temptation. What a sad thing it is when someone has been a believer for 20 years and still hasn't got victory over murmuring, anger, grumbling, complaining, slander and backbiting! Most believers imagine that because they have accepted Christ everything is all right with them, and thus live in a world of delusion.